ActivitiesCVD Prevention

Prevention of cardiovascular disease

One of EHN’s three pillars of work is dedicated to the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

A greater reduction of exposure to the main risk factors for CVD would increase the number of years lived in good health. Effective population-wide interventions to prevent CVD have the potential to provide both human and economic benefits with considerable returns on investment. Given that the majority of cases come from individuals at low or moderate risk of CVD, small reductions in CVD risk factors across the population will produce large societal gain.

EHN works on EU policy issues related to primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease including:

Food and Nutrition

EHN advocates for healthy foods to be easily available and affordable to all.  It will help prevent overweight and obesity and contribute to reduce the burden of CVD.

Tobacco Control

EHN advocates for a ban on smoking in all public places and in places frequently visited by children.  A smokefree generation is what we aim for.

Air Pollution

EHN advocates for clean air in Europe.  Air pollution is harmful for everyone but particularly affects people suffering from CVD. Policies that keep all people healthy reduce inequalities and reduce the burden of non communicable diseases.

Physical activity

EHN advocates for policy measures that will allow people to be or become more physically active.

Early Detection

EHN advocates for the implementation of evidence-based policies, measures and programmes for reaching out to and managing high-risk individuals for CVD in Europe, and to detect those with treatable cardiovascular conditions.