ActivitiesCVD PreventionTobacco control

Tobacco control

Tobacco use is associated with 16% of all CVD deaths in the European Region, which translates to an estimated 674 693 CVD deaths every year (about 480 618 male and 194 075 female deaths). Recent studies also increasingly highlight the harmful risks of electronic cigarette use to the cardiovascular system. Heated tobacco products are particularly harmful to the cardiovascular system as they contain tobacco and thus increase heart rate and blood pressure – like conventional cigarettes.

EHN advocates for policy action that promotes a smoke-free generation in Europe.

EHN works together with the Smoke Free Partnership (SFP) on tobacco control advocacy and policy research in the EU and all joint position papers are found on the SFP website.

EHN’s recommended EU priority actions on tobacco control include raising minimum tobacco excise duties to the highest possible level, bringing excise duties on “roll your own” tobacco up to the same level as manufactured cigarettes, and bringing regulation on novel tobacco products in line with the Tobacco Products Directive while it is being revised.

To learn more read EHN’s position paper on e-cigarettes and position paper on heated tobacco products.