LibraryAnnual ReportsAnnual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

17 Jul 2024

EHN proudly presents its 2023 Annual Report, reflecting on a year where challenges were transformed into opportunities and the organisation’s vision for a life free from avoidable cardiovascular disease (CVD) for every European was steadfastly pursued.

Key Achievements in 2023

In October 2023, EHN launched its ambitious 7-year strategic plan, “Europe’s Cardiovascular Health Opportunities: Leadership for Change” centred on three pillars: preventing avoidable cardiovascular diseases, strengthening the patient and public voice, and improving awareness and investment in cardiovascular research.

Throughout most of 2023,EHN led the EACH (European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health) Secretariat expanding the alliance from 16 to 19 members. The EACH Summit, held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, supported by over 100 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), was a pivotal event, which marked an important milestone in multistakeholder advocacy efforts towards a comprehensive European Cardiovascular Health Plan.

Community and Support 

The diverse expertise within our community is our greatest strength. EHN’s members and partners have built powerful coalitions, drawing on their respective expertise in healthcare, policy, and research to work collectively towards common goals. This collaborative spirit has been instrumental in achieving EHN’s milestones in 2023.

Looking Forward

The year 2024 began with renewed energy and ambition, eager to build on the strengths of our dynamic community and work towards our mission of reducing premature and preventable deaths from cardiovascular diseases. The year ahead presents a unique opportunity to further our strategic goals and create a heart healthy future for all Europeans.

Dr Charmaine Griffiths, President of the European Heart Network (EHN), stated : “Cardiovascular diseases continue to be the leading cause of death across Europe, claiming millions of lives each year. Our 31  EHN members are dedicated to transforming this reality by engaging patients, shaping impactful health policies, and advancing research. Guided by our new strategy, we strive to reduce premature and preventable deaths due to cardiovascular diseases by 30% by 2030. We call on EU policymakers to implement a comprehensive Cardiovascular Health Plan to ensure that everyone in Europe can live in a sustainable environment that promotes cardiovascular health and provides personalised care for those affected by CVD. Together, we can turn the tide on cardiovascular diseases and build a healthier future for all.”