EHN MembersSwedish Heart and Lung Association

Swedish Heart and Lung Association

The Swedish Heart and Lung Association is a Non-Governmental Organisation that unites persons with cardiovascular and lung diseases. Their most important objective is to improve living conditions for persons with cardiovascular and lung diseases. They are a politically and religiously independent association; founded in 1939, they have been by its members ever since.

Their president is  Mr Anders Åkesson. The organisation counts got around 35 000 members in its nationwide association. In order to communicate with members, a periodical publication named Status is distributed nationwide.

Organisation Information


Tel: 08-55 606 200

Address:  Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 14, SE-118 50 Stockholm, Sweden

Contact information

Contact name: Ms Ulrica Sundholm

Email: ulrica.sundholm[at]

Tel: +46 70 972 79 94