The Slovenian Heart Foundation (SHF) is a non-governmental humanitarian organization founded in 1991, and it consists of 9 branches and two affiliated societies. SHF is a member of the World Heart Federation, the European Heart Network, FH Europe and ECHDO – The European Congenital Heart Disease Organisation.
The SHF is an association that works in the national interest of health and research. Today, the association has around 10,000 members and friends. The SHF strives to attract as many people of all age groups as possible to an interest in a healthy lifestyle, which it achieves with many activities for all age groups, from young people to the elderly. The foundation’s goal is health education and educational activities in cardiovascular disease prevention and activities for a better quality of life for patients with cardiovascular disease.
The SHF also works in the field of advocacy.
Organisation Information
Tel: + 386 1 234 75 50 and + 386 1 234 75 55
Address: Slovenian Heart FoundationDalmatinova ulica 101000 LjubljanaSLOVENIA
Contact information
Contact name: Ms NataĊĦa Jan
Tel: + 386 1 234 7550