The Finnish Heart Association is Europe’s first and the world’s second oldest heart organization. They work to help prevent as many cases of cardiovascular diseases and related premature deaths as possible and so that no-one with the disease or their loved ones is left alone.
They operate locally, regionally and nationally. They offer information, activities and peer support to their target groups, the most important of which are families with children, people at risk of cardiovascular disease and people with the disease and their loved ones. The Finnish Heart Association includes approximately 60,000 personal members, 15 heart districts, 200 local heart associations and three nationwide member associations.
Organisation Information
Website: – Tietoa sydänterveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista
Tel: +358 9 752 7521
Address: Finnish Heart AssociationOltermannintie 8SF-00621 HelsinkiFINLAND
Contact information
Contact name: Prof Marjaana Lahti-Koski, Secretary General
Email: marjaana.lahti-koski[at]
Tel: +358 50 359 1211