LibraryResponses to consultationsHealthier Together Initiative

Healthier Together Initiative

19 Apr 2022

In December 2021, the European Commission opened a consultation on Healthier Together, the EU non-communicable diseases initative. EHN submitted its views on priorities for the strands of cardiovascular disease and health determinants.

The EU non-communicable diseases (NCDs) initiative aims to help EU countries reduce the burden of NCDs and improve the citizens’ health and well-being by reinforcing the support for action of the Member States and relevant stakeholders in this area.

The initiative focuses on the following five strands:

  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • diabetes,
  • chronic respiratory diseases,
  • mental health and neurological disorders, and
  • health determinants.

All strands include a health equity dimension, thus supporting the reduction health inequalities.

The NCDs initiative is still work in progress; it is expected to be finalised by the second quarter of 2022. It will support actions for the coming years, with a view of helping Member States reach the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 targets and the WHO 2025 targets on NCDs.

Please click here to read EHN’s paper accompanying the Stakeholder Input form to this initiative.

Please click here to read the EHN Stakeholder Input document

Please click here to read EHN’s summary submission to this initiative (March 2022).