ActivitiesEHN ProjectsCompleted projectsEConDA project


The aim of the EConDA project (Economics of Chronic Diseases) is to aid member states to develop, select and implement more cost effective policies to improve chronic disease prevention and impact upon populations with the highest rates of premature deaths from chronic diseases and reduce health inequalities.

The specific objectives of the EConDA project, which started on 15 April 2013 and ends on 14 October 2015, are to:

  • Seek consensus among relevant experts, policy makers and international organisations on the methodology for measuring cost-effectiveness of interventions to prevent, screen and treat chronic diseases taking into consideration the cost of externalities
  • Develop a demonstration model for integrated approaches to address cost effectiveness of various interventions for chronic disease prevention, particularly to demonstrate the differential effects of interventions on various population subgroups. Focus will be on CVD, diabetes, and respiratory disease.  Main risk factors examined will be obesity and tobacco use.

The European Heart Network is the Work Package leader for Work Package 4.  The specific aim of this work package is to find consensus on methodology for measuring cost-effectiveness of interventions via:

  • Literature review; expert interviews;
  • A consensus meeting on how best to measure cost-effectiveness of integrated approaches to chronic disease prevention

The EconDA project receives co-funding from the European Union in the framework of the Health Programme. More information on the project can be found via this website link.